
Je m’engage – Un manuel pour les professionnels en santé et les services sociaux qui travaillent avec des personnes trans [Getting Involved – A Manual for Healthcare and Social Service Workers Who Work with Trans People]

This document, developed using a harm reduction model, reflects a holistic vision of health. From the outset, this project aimed to create resources relevant to healthcare and social service providers. It aims to break down the isolation of care providers who work with trans people and to counter the misinformation that discourages many professionals from working with this population. We hope that the information contained in this document will promote networking, strengthen ties between frontline workers and various community organizations, and enrich their understanding of trans people’s needs and lived experiences. Since the guidelines that moderate access to services are often determined at the provincial level, some of this information is particularly relevant to the province of Quebec. That said, the overall information provided in this document remains applicable elsewhere in the country.

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