Crisis – Emergency – Violence
Association Iris
514 388-9233
assoiris.caOur trained and empathetic volunteers are available to listen to and support you.
1 (855) 909-9038 , ext. 1Browse the resources available to offer you support or services throughout your transition journey.
514 388-9233
assoiris.ca514 684-2198
cavac.qc.ca514-529-5252 (Montreal) or 1-877-717-5252 (elsewhere in Quebec)
rqcalacs.qc.ca514 395-9691
www.cobp.resist.ca514-866-0103 or 1-888-505-1010 (toll-free, outside Montreal)
interligne.co450 699-5935 ou 1 855 450-5935 768-7225
centreautremaison.com514 872-9444
headandhands.ca514 351-9592
ciusss-estmtl.gouv.qc.ca514 723-4000
cpsmontreal.ca514 483-3033
www.tracom.ca1 877 330-6366
translifeline.org514 684-6160
www.centredecriseoi.comOur trained and empathetic volunteers are available to listen to and support you.
1 (855) 909-9038 , ext. 1