Catrine Beauséjour, sexologist
514 965-2023
cbsexologue.comOur trained and empathetic volunteers are available to listen to and support you.
1 (855) 909-9038 , ext. 1Browse the resources available to offer you support or services throughout your transition journey.
514 965-2023
cbsexologue.com450 231-4858
www.opsq.org514 248-1108
www.jamyryan.com514 699-0093
www.lasexologue.ca514 566-0323
www.marcelaquiroz.com514 268-3420
www.mdsexologue.ca438 882-2128
homatherapie.ca514-934-1934, ext. 43585
www.mcgill.ca514 352-3500
www.michelcampbell.com514 690-5295
sexotherapie.ca514 273-7778
www.cliniqueaccessexologie.comOur trained and empathetic volunteers are available to listen to and support you.
1 (855) 909-9038 , ext. 1